Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sun, wind and rain

Yesterday was a fine if very windy day. Therefore we launched early and tried to fly a practise task out over the flatlands. For once we had clouds whose shadows created the most fascinating patterns on the ground. Moments like this I can’t imagine a more beautiful place to be – sailing from cloud to cloud hi up in the sky. It is true magic.
But magic seldom lasts and far too early I was standing on the ground. I have hardly flown over flatlands before, I am much more accustomed to mountains and my skills are, lets say, in their infancy. Nevertheless it was a great day.

Today the competition started. With it came the rain. Remember, it is summer down here and we are in a very arid area that never sees rain in the summer. Well, here it is raining like it was winter in southern Sweden. Or Brussels if you prefer. What happened with the weather in the world?
We try to stay positive. At least there is time to read a book and to update the blog. 

Working at cloudbase

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