Friday, April 09, 2010

The very last day in Beirut

Our very last day in Beirut started with a visit to the small but splendid National Museum. It was shot to pieces during the long and bloody civil war but reopened in the end of the 90's. They show a touching film about how the artifacts were protected in individual concrete covers, casted on spot over them, and how they re-emerged after the war, mostly unscratched. If you are in town, do visit.

Then we had a last go at Beirut's nightlife, starting with a drink at Dragonfly (they make a beautifully spicy Bloody Mary) and then food and friends at Joe Pena's. Some old colleagues from ANERA were in town and one of them even had a birthday - all due causes for celebration!

Thus we continued to flashy Bar 360° on top of Le Gray Hotel. The view was stunning, the DJ good, the furniture cool and the drink prices shocking. We had a good time. Some of the more hardy of us finished it off at very happening Bar Centrale, which very much reminded me of a submarine with a bar.

Then me and Femke hurried into a taxi, grabbed our bags at the hotel and scuttled off to the airport for our night flights back to Amsterdam.

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