Today, I maid the maiden voyage with my boat!
It was time to move it to a mooring closer to home, and to prepare it for the winter. So I walked to the Prinzengracht, where it has been moored so far. On the way, I passed a garage and asked for two old tyres. They were happy to give them away, and I now had some extra protection for the boat.
The engine started at once, and then I was off :-)! It was such a lovely feeling to glide through the wonderful canals of Amsterdam, despite the grey and cold weather. I am so much looking forward to spring, when we can enjoy it even more!
Here are two photos of the boat. They are from the ad of the former owner, but still give you and idea of how it looks. Very simple, but it sure does the job.
In the evening, Femke cooked andijvie stamppot for us, a traditional local dish. I am really getting Dutchified :-).
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