Sunday, February 17, 2008

What a wonderful flight

What a flight! I took off at 13.31 and after ten minutes of thermalling, reached cloud base (the under-side of the clouds). From here, I glided south to start my first cross country flight in Brazil, and my first flight ever with my new wing.

After a while, I several other pilots from the course joined me, and the flying guide Jean-Francois (Canadian). Together, we continued looking for new thermals to lift us up in the sky.
This way, we glided south, gliding from thermal (hot air going up and taking us with it) to thermal. Often, we had company with the local vultures, who are a great help in locating the thermals.

After three and a half hours of flying, Jean-Francois, Jim (British) and me landed next to the village Dom Cavati, 57 kilometers from where we started. What a wonderful experience!
We missed the bus back with ten minutes, but that gave us an excuse to sit down at a café and drink landing beer. Another bus eventually showed up.

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